Baby English Class - next class June28 10:30~12:00
次回 6月28日(木)10:30~12:00 JuneJune28
ある調査では、定期的に英語に親しんだ日本人の赤ちゃんや子供たちは、大人になったとき、英語が話せるようになる傾向が強いことが分かりました。 歌やゲームを通して英語を学べる、とても楽しい時間を一緒に過ごしませんか?
参加費:一家族200円 定員:親子10組くらい
On the first and third Wednesday of every month we hold a Baby English Class in the church building. Research has shown that Japanese babies and young children who are regularly exposed to English are far more likely to grow up into adults who are able to speak English. Why not join us for a fun-filled time of learning English through songs and games. After the class, parents have a chance to chat together about parenting, whilst relaxing with a cup of coffee and cake (baby sitting provided during this time).