Our first Gospel class♪
10月11日 大山小夜子さんを講師に迎えて、初のゴスペルクラスを開催しました✨✨✨神様が一人一人にくれた世界に一つだけの声帯の話、特別な発声練習😮、英語の発音、そして歌詞の意味などなど、じっくり教えてもらえました❗ みんなで歌ったEmmanuel (''神様が共にいてくださる'')、本当に嬉しくて、楽しくて、素敵な時間でした~❣️
次回の練習は、10月25日木曜日、3時半からです‼️ 初めての方も、大歓迎✨ぜひご参加くださいね😊
We had our first gospel lesson on October 11, with Sayoko Oyama as an instructor. Sayoko told us that each one of us has a unique set of vocal cords as gifts from God. The lesson covered a wide range of areas, from the special voice training and English pronunciation to the meaning of lyrics. We had a great time singing “Emmanuel” together. It was a lot of fun.
Thank you for all of you who came to join us, and special thanks to Sayoko!
We will have the next gospel lesson on Thursday, October 25, at 3:30 p.m.
Please feel free to come join us! Non church members are equally welcome
